I’ve always believed that one need not be too vocal or loud about their faith, this is a relationship that an individual shares with God and the best way to nurture this is to allow it to grow silently. For me, the power of silence is something that is very important when it comes to reinforcing my faith. I’ve always believed that the one way to connect to God is through silence, this forces one to look within oneself and automatically one receives the answers to various questions.
Karma and kismet are two things that I believe in with all my heart. I’ve always found that what goes around comes around or what you sow is what you reap. That’s why I try and do as much good as I can and advise people around me to also do the same. Beauty, for me, lies in the small things in life and one needs to learn to appreciate these and not look for just materialistic pleasures. This will go a long way for a fulfilling life.