Actress Gul Panag unveiled photographer Nisheeth Bhatt’s exhibition on photography ‘The Melted Core’, which is on till Nov 10 at Jehangir Art Gallery in the city. The evening saw guests from the Bollywood, fashion and music fraternities appreciating the high-end art pieces on display.
Nisheeth, who is a Chandigarh-based lawyer and photographer, said, “Gul and I go back a long way. The reason why I wanted her to inaugurate the exhibition is because of her love for art and also her instant connect with certain photos. The camera has been my constant and faithful companion, which has taken me places. Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world. For me it is the language of love. The Melted Core is another attempt to bring the people closer to world’s finest things. I want them to see what my eyes saw.”
In attendance also were names like Vijay Kalantri, Dr Ruby Tandon, Aneel Murarka, Dr Makani, Kavitta Verma, Rajeev Mahavir, Rashmi Pitre, Shweta Khanduri and Gurpreet Kaur Chadha.
Concluded Nisheeth, “I have travelled from the Great Wall of China to the Scottish castles, Lahore streets to London squares, Siachen Glacier to Andaman; it is my camera that has taken me there. It will continue and I’ll share my travel diaries with the world through my photography.”