Agreed that the recent terror attack had a “foreign hand”. It is debatable , whether the state of Pakistan is in any way responsible. After a long time, there is some sort of a democracy in Pakistan, a country that herself has been a victim of terror on countless occasions. It is extremely unlikely that they would support any act of terror on our soil. “Elements” outside their control supporting and nurturing terror is a different matter. And if our country has proof of the same, we must present it to Pakistan and the international community and demand action. Too often in the past we have hinted at Pakistani involvement but not taken things to their logical conclusion. We have never adequately “politicised or capitalised” on the issue to gain global support. Its no wonder that most of the world sees India in the red vis a vis Kashmir. I hope things will be a little different this time. Not just “we will take suitable action”. The last time that happened( under a BJP government I might add) the army was mobilised following the Parliament attack, and kept in a state of “readiness” for almost a year.”Operation Parakaram”. My father at the time was commanding an Armoured Division and was part of the operation. Apart from succeeding in breaking the morale of the troops( who melted away in their tents in the severe desert heat) the operation achieved little else. Oh yes, a record number of suicides, fratricides owing to the psychological impact of the war like situation. SO I truly wonder what will be in store for us should we vote for a regime change. Both governments failed to act decisively. Then and now. The subject matter deals with an external variable or so our leaders have us beleive.What about what is brewing within India??? Are we so preoccupied with the sometimes Bull and sometimes Bear economy that we are totally oblivious of what is eating away at the very fabric of our society? The distribution of wealth has never been more inequitable. While a phenomenal number of people live on less than Rs 50 a day, the number of dollar milllionares is increasing. Of course the governemnt has no role to play. Its all market forces. Demand and Supply. SO its ok to turn a blind eye when steel manufacturess raise cost to almost double, but its a sin to let farmers reap the benefits of high foodgrain prices world wide by “fixing” the procuremet price much much lower. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. Is it then a wonder that the red corridor is expanding? From Chattisgarh to Jharkand to Madhaya Pradesh to Kerala to West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh, Naxalism is gaining momentum. And with good reason. Naxals are stepping in where the state is failing. Whether it is security or healthcare or education, the state is just not doing enough. AND when you are poor and hungry add to that angry, there is little motivation required to join them. Its about aspirations not being met. About there being no “trickle down effect” of India shining. Curiously, the papers and news channels don’t talk about this. About the loss of life and property at the hands of the Naxals, even though some estimates put the losses at par or even more than those incurred in the insurgency in the north and east put together in the last decade. Inequitable distribution of wealth will lead to a revolution in our country that will surpass the Russian and French Revolutions if we don’t sit up and take notice. Are we waiting for the Naxal ultras to do a terror attack before we will react to the reasons for their growing support? How long before he who sleeps on the footpath begins to wonder why for no fault of his, he is where he is and you are siting on your computer typing away in the comfort of your AC home? How long before the look of hunger in a child beggar’s eyes, as he sees an over fed kid in a mercedes being pampered by his diamond dripping mother, is replaced by hostility and then anger and ultimately violence?How long? The day is not far when we will be the victims of a South Africa style situation, where one is safe only in ones heavily guarded home or office but totally vulnerable to attack every where else. Do we want to live in fortresses? If not, the time to act is now. Before it is too late. Again. Jago India Jago.
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Amit Goel
very well written post.
I might add that what India needs to concentrate more on education, not only at the primary level but at the secondary level too.
Russian revolution had its own disadvantages.I feel Communism is a blockade in the road to development. The state of West Bengal is still under ruins even after having the brainiest of people sitting there…
Capitalism is another extreme. And we are rightly placed as a country in between the two extremes. But then, its time to take advantage of the fact that the people of India are not extremists. They just need a chance to prove themselves. Govt. need to act sane and provide education, basic amenities to all people.
just to mention, The major problem is not the policies but the implementation of these policies going wrong. The people sitting in the corridors of power are struggling either with red tape and they just delay things just like that. even if center does something, state govt. spoil the implementations because they are insufficient and lack experience and maturity. Every minister comes to power for 5 years and believes in building enormous property before he leaves.
If you take the example of Bangalore, the silicon valley of India, has the poorest instracture of roads, traffic, law and order. To curb law and order problems, govt has made it mandatory to shut down the city by 11.15 PM. does it help? the advantage is taken by cops from people returning late at night,…. Cops ask your profession before asking a bribe, and the rate goes high if you are working in a software company. why so? because the myth says software engineers are the highest paid individuals…
anyway, everthing said and nothing done.. we need to do our bit for the country.. atleast keep ears and eyes open..
A revolution of the masses? It is not going to happen. Too many people that still have the thinking of the feudal system ingrained into their minds, too many of the masses that are brain washed into the narrow minded thought processes of their leaders. Too many leaders of these masses that don’t care about the uplifting of their followers, rather the followers are the leaders stepping stones to more wealth and power. In short the foundations for this revolution is at best built on shifting sand.
There is a fatalistic or maybe a better word would be a pre-deterministic attitude in most of the masses in India. The feeling of “I am where I am because I deserve nothing better than what I have”, we see this in the resignation of the domestic help we have in our houses, we see it in the eyes of that beggars kid, we hear it in the voices of the poor. Even when help and opportunity are afforded to many of these folks, it is scorned or rejected or a half hearted attempt is made to move oneself out of the morass they find themselves in. Drinking, AIDS, lack of education, squalid conditions in the slums are accepted, attempts to change this are resisted by the governing bodies in these places unless of course the members of these governing bodies can financially benefit. These are just my observations when I see and hear the various problems my Dad encounters as he works to improve the lives of the next generation in the slums of Pune.
The revolution you speak of is dead, it died a still birth. Long live the revolution.
Thanks for the thought provoking articles, please keep writing.
I liked your thoughts Gul. “jaago India Jaago”. People from vivekanada to you tried to wake us up may be a zillion times..People understand all that you said Gul at least the ones who read your words in this blog. The thing they don’t understand is, the ‘solution’ and What ‘I’ can do about it. even if I understand it, the self inpiration to go about doing it.
Hence, apart from whining on the problem, also drop a line of solution, building the will to go about putting individual effort.
As you are a celeberity you can reach out to people big time. I don’t mean to offend your thought in any way…just a request :).
Rahul Deodhar
Well – Interesting thoughts,
The role of government in pure capitalism is to create equality of opportunity. however often governments tend to heed certain groups more than others. We can blame it on lobbies, or vote banks but the fact remains. Democractic counter-balance is through RTI and legal -court system.
Now here is how governments / politicians game the system – they exploit delays in legal system. Further – laws are passed – with vote banks and appeasements into consideration – that refute or pull down the courts. A president sends a law back to parliament is an insult a moral one (sorry whats moral?)- but our parliament sends the law back to president without changing a word.
Socialism on the contrary attacks equality of reward – and is much more complicated – it appears fair but is equally, nay a little more unfair. Our government and polity are more socialistic rather than capitalistic.
Else inflation targeting wouldn’t keep the masses poor. 60% of population depends on agriculture – there is a simple way of making them richer – let prices be based on markets and lets farmers profit.
If I may share a recently released report on India 2008.
Not a report that I have been involved in but one that I recommend reading. The 170-page report is the only annual report to examine human rights
problems on a nationwide scale in India. In each State, the report
analyses human rights violations by the security forces, violations of
International Humanitarian Law by the armed groups, state of the judiciary
and administration of justice, the status of the State Human Rights
Commissions, freedom of the press, violations of the rights of
indigenous/tribal peoples, violations of the rights of the Dalits,
violence against women, violations of the prisoners’ rights, internally
displaced persons etc.
It is a useful (though not sole) analysis from which to move forward and to address some key problems.
Varun Maheshwari
Hi Gul,
This is my first post ever to this web. I don’t know how true i am but something what coming in my mind, i m sharing with all of you.
About Terror
It’s been pretty frustating hearing again and again the same comments of the politicians about every terror activity. Sometimes i have to think, R we really such a human that just make a excuse for every other incident and wait for happening of the another one. Fight is not the right solution as the result would be unbearable for the country and countrymen. U said Jago India Jago. But how cum it can be. A common civilian fears even of a policemen, as he thinks tht he wud be questioned instead of get appreciation if he tells policemen about some suspicious activities he found somewhere. Problem is not about being jago. Problem is about with the system we are part of and somehow the only way to make aware is the tv media. But they pepal got much more engaged in making ratings and showing superstitution shows. Sometimes they show ‘ swarg jane ka rasta” and bla bla bla……….
Only the TV Media is the powerful communication network between we and the govenment. But How much relevant news there are we knows better.
This media can solve all over issues. from water preservation to energy preservations to new and creative ideas to employment. the only thing is the change.
We can notice that quite a months before there was a news on TV about a child felt and whole the india pray for that child. If media can understand than lots of the problem be sought out very easily.
Don’t mind, But there are just the girls as anchor on TV media who just can look gud and expert in repeating a single things ten times. There is no true journalism here, just a speaking and speaking without thinking what impact on a common civilian be of this speaking.
I am sorry, if i had write too much. But that’s what running in my mind and couldn’t let me stop from writing. Thanks for your nice website and allowing me to write something about.
prasun kulshrestha
yes…but who will initiate? well, india has developed so far, today when its time to asnwer to crime & terror, everyone one is busy in deciding that which goverment could be a best option? gul u r very correct in ur points.
also m surprised that starts like u have such a clear picture & opinions, m impressed.
anyways, we all know that this incident ws more then panic…but gul, we in india can not stop naxalism, how can we talk to stop terrorism !
prasun kulshrestha
kuch kehtey rahey kuch suntey rahe..
kuch kho gaye kuch mile nahi…
ye baat hai uss aakhri awaj ki jab jaate hue wo boli thi..
wo boli thi ki aana mat, aana mat phir kabhi,
wo boli thi ki rukna mat, rukna mat mere liye..
kya kehta isspar usko mein,
mein ruka raha, aur samay ke saath wo bahut aagey nikal gayi..
bas reh gayi thi to saath bitaaye wo pal..
kuch kehtey rahey kuch suntey rahe..
kuch kho gaye kuch mile nahi…
wo awaj jo sunkar suni nahi..
jaate hue kuch kahin nahi..
mein toot gaya tha rote rote..
aur wo baat yahi bass samjhi nahi..
wo challi challi, aur challi gyi,
bas reh gyi to saasein uski..
kuch kehtey rahey kuch suntey rahe..
kuch kho gaye kuch mile nahi…
Interesting article. Inequitable distrinution of wealth leading to a revolution that will surpass the Russian and French revoltions is highly improbable (if not impossible) because 1) poverty, being a relative term, is not a uniting force: just because people are poor, don’t have food to eat and observe rich persons living luxuriously doesn’t mean they will rise up in arms 2) there is no single enemy, which is something that characterizes a revolution. To suggest that the “poor” will revolt against the “rich”, the latter, again, an ill-defined class, is far-fetched.
The fact is there is only one person I can change and that is myself, and more importantly, that’s the only person I do need to change. As an example, if I, as the chief minister wish to see a safe and secure India, I will need to change myself to an extent that I am doing *all that I can do in my power* to ensure a freely functioning democracy; I shouldn’t expect to change the rich such that they become less greedy and more charitable.
Its all well and good complaining about the government’s inefficiency at controlling terror; but when it comes to oneself, one is unwilling to change. One is unwilling to pay the driver or the maid Rs 1000 per month more, even though one earns a six-figure salary. Instead, what we do? Burn the same money in the form of crackers, buy another new car, and so on.
Keep writing Gul; it is wonderful to read such strongly-opinionated and thought-provoking writing.
Dear Gul,
Iam so delighted to read your summary on General Health of our Country that I wish our leaders should also take notice of it and act now.
Ours is a developing Country,we may say we have developed but development cannot be in pockets or isolation,till the last man on street is able to lead a decent life and feed for himself we can not claim to be a country which can take care of its citizens. I totally agree that the disparity between Rich and Poor in our country is widening
Crime,terror,poverty and mafias take advantage of poverty stricken youths. Now the terror Organisation are hiring these youths to sell terror. Regarding hand of Pak in recent Mumbai attacks we have enough proofs, live media coverage,the lone terrorst caught alive and things recovered from the boat are enough prrof to prove that Pak is abaiting and fuelling and financing terror in INDIA.
We need a strong Leadership and Hard decisions to dismantle Terror Training Camps in POK and other places.
Our country need to literate its citizens so that we can reduce the poverty line and upgrade BPL families. As regard a French Revolution to Happen I think a uprising in Indian masses need a another Gandhi to lead it.
This is a land of Nanak and Kabir so our people has high degree of tolerance they tolerate everything but Guru Gobind Singh infuse in them self respect and taught them to raise arm against Julam and ordinary peoples became warrior and this transformation can happen by guiding our youth to follow on the teachings our our Great Masters.
As regards the african countries the Black Continent has very unstable Govts. take Nigeria,Angola,Zimbabwe. I worked in Zimbabwe for some time it has highest rate of inflation in the world you can check. After independence in 1980 it is ruled by Robert Mugabe as sole dictator.
In oil rich Nigeria the life of expats is not at all safe ,peoples steal oil from pipe lines and take hostages to working Professionals for ramson.
In our country we are a civilised society and crime rate is not that alarming except these terrorist who are out to destroy our peace ,security and economy but Indians will show the World that our really strength is our people. We are second highest populated country in the world, our Human Resource is our Wealth, we will use our this vital resource to become a Developed Country and people will call it again a “Sone ki Chidia”.
So Jago Bharat Jago Ab koi dushman na dale buri nazar Hum par,Ab Bharat Jag udhha hai.
Gul Panag
Praveen its these very “narrow minded, feudal people who have been brainwashed ” by the politicians not interested in their upliftment , that are joining and unanimously supporting the Naxals. FOR the very reasons you cite that they won’t. Have you seen the red map of India? Just because the press doesn’t report the growth of Naxlaism it doesn’t mean its existence can be doubted.
Soon we will see proof of their disgruntlement in the form of attacks on hotels, malls and multiplexes. AND the target will be us. The bourgeoise. We who are the obvious recipients of shining India’s wealth.
I agree with you Varun, about the role that the media can play and how presently its all a matter of ratings. But how do we change it? A problem without a solution ? I am sure there is one.
Prasun, who will initiate it? US. We have the awareness, what we don’t have are the numbers.We need to join with those who have the numbers but not awareness And for that, we need to go into places that we frown upon. The slums and the villages. The numbers in democracy don’t come from those holding “vigils” and exchanging emails and sms’s , but from those who sell their votes for Rs500, those who barely have 2 square meals a day ,those who can barely read. If the netas can get to them,”brainwash” them, convince them, why cant we??
Adarsh you now know my thoughts on a solution. Lets have yours.
Amit, it was never for fault of the system that it is rotten. Its for lack of will in implementation. I completely agree with you.
Rahul, very astute observation. We now know for a fact that a “free market economy” or a laissez faire economy without regulation- totally controlled by market forces , is history. The recent US led meltdown is proof. Socialism is definitely not the answer. The answer is Democracy. With an independent Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. This is clearly not the case in India. The Legislature and Executive are married and impose their collective will on the Judiciary. So how do we fix this? Make our representatives answerable to us. And that will only happen if WE CHOOSE them. AS opposed to the puppets that the party system inflicts upon us. Who decides who gets the party nomination for a particular constituency? AND how?? Should RTI not be applicable here?
Hello Gul ..
Let me Blunt ( Correct me if am Wrong!)
Fact One : There is indeed Our ‘good’ ol neighbour Pak’s role in what happened in Mumbai No second thoughts about that, this aint my contention it is a well researched FACT .. so lets not be Nice and diplomatic about that.
Two : Very true Pak has its own problems dealing with Terror elements but then again ”Yatha Raaja Thatha Prajaa” , the seeds to terrorism were sowed way back about three decades ago , which was again Pak’s own folly , Lets be CLEAR – We respect and wud wana Hug a common pak national who wants to be one wid us … but hey We better tell ISI and Pak foriegn Policy towards India .. to fly a kite !
Three : ”Too much tolerance ceases to be a virtue” a chineese saying , that does neva mean … pull out your bazooka and pump one onto ur ‘neighbour’ .. there have been about 113 chineese incursions by their army in 2007 , where their soldiers came right into our territories from the Jammu to the Arunachal Borders , what did we do .. well we put a nice article about that , Mrs. Gandhi made a visit (for some other reason of course)and then poof! The article also stated .. while we are tryna blame various things for the incursions and lamenting on our ‘tough’ conditions along this stretch , china has built a rail track , loaded the border with food supplies, soldiers and their fav’toys’, and has cemented roadways … why … oh they wer just focussing on Roads Developments! We .. stare and fight in the parliment on whether we should shell out monies at all for the army! Trust me, sometimes Mao appeals to me more than our elite ‘leaders’, He was firm in his decisions.
Naxalism and Revolutions : Gul I wana ask u one thing : Yes We do have a disparity of income , the rich is richer the poor poorer .. Do we just take the money from the Rich and Distribute it among the Poor ???? I am sure U have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to be where U are, for that matter all of us have done something .. Dont u think the poor should be educated that – Independency is way to happiness, Not Dependecny, We, Our leaders have always stained one another and used this ” dependency” module a lot .. the papers the media everyone talks about rich and poor has anyone .. shrug off the old myth and just said ” Just Work ur way Ahead” and educated ppl about how to go that way ?
Yes we should provide an ambience that would give an opportunity for the less fortunate to make a better living, a child should be told .. ”son neva depend on anyone,Live on ur own, Earn with ur talents but Son always .. always have a smile and a helping hand for ur fellow countrymen” dont u think this should be sown into the minds of children .. I would say make primary education FREE!
Media : A double Edged sword .. they need money , ratings and we need ‘tamasha’ , dont we .. lets not be hypocritic, We can change the Media too , the day we we ensure we watch how a auto wala had the benovelance to return a wallet laden with cash to its owner more than Ms. Sawant Slapping her boy friend(Due to respect to the both of them)!
Long Post , pardon , but the pak role tempted me to write , god bless all ,best wishes!
Gul Panag
Thank you for your post.I concede all your points. When I mean revolution akin to the French and the Russian, i don’t mean a populist or even a socialist one. Those examples were for lack of anything more pertinent and relevant.
And no the answer is not to”take from the rich and give to the poor”. I don’t KNOW the answer. Which is why the discussion. Your logic is sound. Mass uprisings( however convoluted their agenda) rarely see logic. Do you think a mob of 2000 strong is thinking logically when they are burning, raping plundering? Was the mob that burnt alive thousands of Sikhs in 1984, thinking rationally by trying to avenge Mrs Gandhi’s death at the hands of two sikhs? So why did they “unite”? There was a political agenda. There were leaders like HKL Bhagat and Jagdish Titler(may they rot in hell) leading these men. For no reason. When you have people leading and people willing to follow, what role does logic play? What matters is agenda. Its not about “a common enemy”. Explain why else has the the RED corridor expanded so much . My father is at present Central Army Commander, with seven states under him. Do you know what’s the biggest issue there?? Its Naxalism. Yes the poor people need education and then jobs and so on and so forth. We all know that. The government is meant to insure primary education to all. Is that happening? No. These are all issues we are aware of. There is corruption, many lacunae in the system, poor implementation and so on. But the fact that they are hungry and poor remains. AND thats why the Naxals have support of lakhs of people and their numbers are increasing as we speak. They are not listening to LOGIC. They feel the they can get the attention of the nation by destroying industry, killing security forces , extorting money,etc. Clearly that aim is not being met. FOR no one is listening. YET.
I have lived in Zambia when my father was posted there. There were well to do expats and a small percentage of succesfull people but majority of the country was and is poor( however relative that may be) and hungry. And as Rashpal has said, no one is safe. We (or any one earning a comfortable living and showing it) could not walk majority of the streets with out having one’s purse snatched or even mugged by armed youth. Walking after dark was out of the question. And god help you if you left your car doors unlocked at a traffic signal. I was in South Africa few months back. The situation is the same. Yes there are some safe havens like ultra affluent areas , but thats it. This is where we are heading. There will be so much crime that our police force will be mere bystanders. .When you are hungry and poor, eventually crime is the easiest answer. And thats a revolution of crime. And a revolution can be underway so latently that it gathers momentum while the nation sleeps and thinks its far fetched “to suggest that the “poor” will revolt against the “rich”. Small correction. Its not the “rich” (however ill defined the term may be) who will be affected. They can afford the best of everything, including security. Its the bourgeoise. The middle class. AND you don’t need unity to ravage and rampage. Just leaders to follow. And no not the ones like Gandhi and Mandela that can unite a country, but hundreds of nameless faceless ones that can and are motivating and uniting villages. Rising crime rates and Naxalism. Who needs a revolution? We have our own hybrid version!
I rest my case.
I see and do understand ur Concern, Guess We are having Our Own kinda ‘revolution’ as silent and as unassuming as it can be, We need not be surprised if One Day We salute Ourselves for ‘setting’ right Our ‘Neighbour(s)’ and get stunned When Our ‘Home’ has ‘weeds’ destroying it. Fair say , U are right the Problem is as much Internal as External.
Solution : The Poor need to make a Paradigm shift as much as the Rich , The Poor can not be sitting idle expecting some Votebank Neta to load them wid ‘riches'(It Never happens), as far the Rich (Most of them) their Pet Dog would make a better part of their Life than a dry faced street urchin!
Education First , Not just Newtons Theory but Humaness, Living and Life are to be taught.
Opportunity Next – a strict NO to reservations, Merit makes it Home.
And then Dignity of Labour, We are proud to Pump gasoline some where in North Carolina(US) and say ”Thank You Maam” and pocket a few dollars, but back in our own steets We have EGO , SOCIAL CLASS AND PRIDE blocking us to hold the good old Pump!
Mass Uprisings : What happened to sikhs was sad, Hey there were and are Indians first , We are with them always! Trust me on this Gul … EDUCATION IN HUMAN VALUES IS THE RIGHT SOLUTION, When U teach a child to first Live as a Human and consider the prosperity of the fellowmen and self as the Highest form of Duty , No child wud grow Up into a MAN and follow a tytler or a butler. He would in fact create an Uproar against Inhumaness!
My Pleasure to post here , glad to see someone at ur stature taking interest in a comman man’s fight and search for meaning of Life.
Keep Posting U neva know We all could actually come up with a solution for most things as we ‘sail’ acorss the ‘sea’ of Uncertainity, as someone said ” Tread onto the Unchartered Waters and then see half ur Questions would be answered by You alone ”
God Bless All , Keep Smiling!
The ten terrorist who entered India through sea route and attacked two five star hotels where most tourists stay; killed almost 200 people and injured many.
Is now confirmed all are from Pakistan the only captured terrorist under custody is giving all the information about the mastermind behind the attack and their strategy.
Pakistan done it once again, recently elected pakistan government is now in a big trouble. Also, the
Taliban leader in a TV interview threatened to take over Pakistan.
India makes protest to Pakistan
I think India should attack Pakistan as soon as possible or find the hideouts of terrorist in this country and attack those places atleast. Because it is clear that some way or other its Pakistan’s hand indirectly.
Some people in the government are working along terrorists interest.
I remember when in India hindu demolished Babri masjid there were riots all over the country but when some body kills hindu in India nothing happens and we just forget. Its time to take some action and start kicking some ass.
prasun kulshrestha
Alrite Gul……
Hello gul, thnx for valued attention nowadays in caring to respond our views. I RESPECT.
Now, u replied me very correctly, but 2 things….1st:- people will always sell vote for 500bucks..even for 100bucks…we can PRACTICALLY CANNOT HELP. those innocent poor want to see their little famiels smiling for a min rather than seeing the complete nation….! 2nd: ok, even if we convince these poors..unse kya kahengay, kise vote karna hai?
ek aur neta? ek aur neta ko vote karna hai? agar ise nai to use..kisi na kisi neta ko vote karna hi padega…..!
we always say…ki we r the people to initiate the revolution….Gul, u can spare some time to come a single day or two day or three day on stree to protest against terror…but if u will c practically, many indians, including me are more concern ki iss activity mein office se kitni chuttileni padegi…kahin job toh na challi jaayegi…i know its a stupid example but har koi kuch na kuch boundations mein hota hai…aapke saath bhi shayad koi boundation ho jo prasun ko pata nahi ya mein soch nahi pa rha…but the key is…its not we…its the goverment who is supposed to wake up in a manner to fight. When we say fight, it does not mean fight with gun, it means , fight with pen and litrate. neta hi padhe likhe nahi hain….unhe padha diya toh sab bhala ho jaayega …
waise gul, i ws expcting pooooooooori umid se ki shayad u comment a line on my poem as wellll
Amit Goel
WTF… I have faced the terrorism during punjab insurgency.. and the terror after Indira Gandhi’s assassination… was that what India deserved? was that what I deserved as a child? My uncle was killed by terrorists by mistake.. but that was a cost to me, to my family and most of all, to my uncle’s family.
What we need in India is a revolution.. a kind of something what freedom fighters did… or a kind what KPS Gill did to punjab to root out terrorism..
you know why Obama won the election? the only thing he asked for was “Change”.. and India needs a revolution.. and we’ll be part of it…
enough of politics and politician bashing.. what did we do for our country?? how many of us even remember the election dates, leave aside walking up to polling booths.. leave alone all that, how many of us have fought for the right thing in life.. all of us are hypocrats.. shame on us.. F*** the World..
prasun kulshrestha
Hey all, first time here on gul’s page, i am gonna write & dedicate my poem to those who lost lives / relations in MUMBAI terror. i hope gul don’t mind displaying it on her site…
suna! suna nahi jo wo bhi keh gaye tum…
jaatey jaatey door humse , hume bhi sang le gaye tum…
khoon nahi wo zeher tha baha jab dekha uss raat inn aankho ne..
mein ruk hi gaya, phir kabhi na challa,
mein ruk hi gaya, phir kabhi na challa,
aur kabhi na challa unn raho pe…
wo raahein jinpar mein aur tum challa kartey the..
kya wo jo the door desh ke log,
kya unse pyar nahi koi kartey the…
kya unse pyar nahi koi kartey the ..
jo dard diya hai gehra itna,
ki ab to aansu bhi na bahe hain,
aa dekh meri inn aankhon mein, aksar aankho mein bhi tu rahe hain..
gaya hai door ab aana kabhi na..
jo thehar gaya shaher jisme..
wo sunna na phir kabhi na..
mein geet hun, gaa le mujhe phir se,
ye mumbai hai, mumbai hai, jee le ek jeevan isme..
prasun kulshrestha
Mr. Amit goel,
let me copy paste ur last line…” how many of us have fought for the right thing in life.. all of us are hypocrats.. shame on us.. F*** the World..”
Ok fine…u have seen terror? so answer me, what u did to fight with terror? u should have done something revolutionary, as ur words say, when u faced terror, u must have raised ur voice along with ur action!!!!!!
anyways, sorry for ur family & what u saw as a child. But my dear friend, i always say, stop blaming neta’s, or people of this nation. Imiadiately start blaming urself. its because, we ourself don’t wants change, i dnt know more abt politics, but i feel, which goverment?????????????/ which goverment u want?
Congress, BJP, ye sab well setteled parties hai, who will replace them?
koi replace bhi agar kare, to either lalu,mulayam singh etc etc, agar unke grah bahut ache hongay to woh bhi…
friends…terror is not the name of any responciblity taken by any goverment, its the name & identity of those who never lived with us.
I will break it down and reply…
…And if our country has proof of the same, we must present it to Pakistan and the international community and demand action…
Me : If there is war, More than a million will suffer because of that 10 activists that did a nasty thing…
…The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer…
Me : Wrong Sohneyo , Poor are not getting poorer, only the rich are getting richer at a rate million times fast than the poor
…How long before … of your AC home…
Me : Not long Ji, When he gets up tomorrow morning he will know why and then probably he will too join an extremist group to do something against someone.
…child beggar’s eyes, as he sees an over fed kid in a mercedes being pampered by his diamond …. in ones hea…
Me : Tell me onething, How many time have you actually seen a begging child on a traffic signal or outside a restraunt, and then religiously and selflessly stepped out to a nearby confectioner shop and fetch the poor child something to eat and actually sometimes wait there till he is finished ? Tell me ?
[ I mention because I have the right to say this, I do the same thing atleast twice a week ]
If atleast 1 out of 200 People which write or demand a slogan like “Jagoo India Jagoo” do this social care, About 17.45034830% [lame joke] of the India’s chances to become this mentioned African style would would reduce.
People like you and me should have individual organizations working for the poor’s food … nae… The Poor’s Education [ Population Control, Cleanliness, Ways to fetch work and Rural Development Drives Initiative ].. Yes Sohneyo… Educate them before feeding them, so that next time they beg, They atleast say “Aha, I am the only one in the family to beg, else all have started working”
I know, to my comment, just like me to yours, you will have cracking examples to bug my text down and bring to light your special celeb touched soft and enchanting words that will not only rupture the entire thought of my comment but also hide my affection towards yours Jaago India Jaago closure :p but still I would end by saying that
“Hey gorgeous, you have no right look that hot :p”
Hi Gul -:)
It’s good to see you blogging actively after a while.
So you have lived in Zambia huh ?
I’ve also lived in Nigeria and know what you mean. Of being robbed at gunpoint for your car at a traffic signal to the infamous “armed robberies” at your house.
And yes India is going down that path…..slowly but surely.
I fear the biggest reasons are our very attitude….that is very Indian so to speak.
– Lack of discipline
We love to bend the rules. Love to not stand in a queue. Love not to be way back in the line of cars for the left turn so go to the middle lane which is shorter, hold up traffic and swing left. Break signals before 8am and after 11pm and the list goes on and on. It may look trivial. But when you multiply this inherent bad behaviour with 100s of million people u have a HUGE problem that has slowly but surely seeped into our society and is now back firing on us.
– Chalta hai attitude
We take too much for granted and brush it off. the politician is a crook…ok so don’t vote. the water isn’t coming, ok maybe some BMC issue. We refuse to take time out from our busy lives to correct a situation that doesn’t have a direct impact on us. The amount of times we drive by an accident scene without stopping to help or help someone in trouble astounds me.
And if you look deeply….all the problems indirectly affecting our country…be it quality of life, safety and governance all seem to stem from these two habits which has creeped far into the Indian subconscious that we are now faced with innumerable challenges.
Hi Gul,
Ye Apke Liye 😉
Ho oo hoo hooo
ho oo hoo ooo
hoo oo
Kaise mujhe tum mil gayi
Kismat pe aaye na yakeen
Utar aye jheel main
Jaise chaand utarata hai kabhi
Houle haule
dhere se
gunguni dhoop ki tarah se
Tarnnum main tum
Chookey mujhe
Guzri ho yun
Dekhon tumhe
Ya mein sunoo
Tun ho junoon
Kyun pehle na
Aai tum
Kaise mujhe tum mil gayi
Kismat pe aaye na yakeen
Main to ye sochta tha
Ki aaj kal
Uppar wale ko fursat nahi
Phir bhi tumhein banake woh
Meri naazar mein chadha gaya
Rutbe main woh
Aur badh gaya
aa aa aaa
aa aa aaaa
Badley raate jharne aur nadi
Badkey ret tim tim
Chhedhe zindage dhool koi nahi
Badley barkha ki rimjhim
Badkengi rituen ada
par main rahoongi sada
Usi tarah
Teri bahon mein badhen daalke
HAr lamha
HAr pal
Aa aaa aaa
aa aaa aa
Zindagi sitar ho gai
Rim jhim malhar ho gai
Mujhe aata nahi
Kismat pe aaye na yakeen
Kaise mujhko mil gayi tum
~Sigh~….things are really going nowhere.
1 month on we are still in the “proving” game of where the terrorist came from ?
he is still not tried or sentenced despite spraying people to death with bullets !
and 1000s of troops moved to the border will just freeze in the cold there while our government dilly dallys and thumps it’s chest !
really…it is frustrating and annoying !
Hi Gul!
Nicely written post but I’m sorry to say that you’ve missed the point here. I feel this should’ve been more about Mumbai attacks than anything else. You might say that it’s all related but actually it’s not.
Handling Pakistan’s high handedness is one thing whereas the rest of the stuff which you’ve talked about is quite another. I might add that on other fronts things are improving. And my maid carrying a cellphone is one small symbol of it. Agreed we have miles to go but if we can handle terrorism the rest can be taken care off.
It’s on this score that our govt fails miserably. Things seem to be looking up just a wee bit with Mr P Chidambaram as the home minister now. But internal security is half the solution. More important is the external threat. Though Mr Pranab Mukherjee has been making a lot of noise I feel India has got badly entangled in Diplomacy and has been carried away by US doublespeak. Just look at Israel. They don’t tolerate even a single death of an innocent Israeli. But unfortunately, as far as we in India are concerned, we are expendables. Our govts do not value it’s citizens and their lives. Each one is just a vote, nothing more nothing less.
Given the way things are at the moment I feel that Pakistan will again get away and the whole thing will die down as the time passes. Till we have another terrorist attack when the entire process will start all over again. And that will not happen now. The next major terrorist attack from terrorists will come after a year or so because that’s the minimum amount of time required for us to get over this one. And Pakistan and it’s stooges know this.
HI I AM VERY BIG FAN OF GUL.I am form Pakistan.but i leaved in uae i got many indian friends in dubai i respect them .plz try to understand my indians brothers and sisters pakistan is also badly a victim of a terriost too as all know what is the situation of pakistan.i am deeply sad what happen in taj hotel in mumbai. and every pakistani is deeply sad .please dont think that i am pakistani so i am supporting to pakistan no .. i am worried if war will be between india and pakistan think for one minute do u know how many people or force will die how many of them will lose their family both of them not on pakistan but india too we need peace not war.please try to understand pakistani ur friend not enemy come and see abroad many indians and pakistani are leaving together and peacefully .remeber one thing we are one . Pakistan is also fighting against terriorst in northen areas .if we are terrorist why we are fighting?if we are terrorsit why sucide attacks are happening in our city?if we are terrorsit why we are fighting.i am appeal to my indian families please stay unity with us we dont need war we need peace and freindship between this to nations war is not only any solutuion .come and see indians and pakistani people in uae even i got many friends indians how peacefully we are leaving i asked to gul also does u also hit us to much ?
i am sorry there will be to much grammer mistakes will be there so please ignore it because of typing fastly .to gul i am your big fan please reply me and try to think of us we are not bad persons
Prathik Rajendran M
Very thought provoking Gul, nicely put. But why are you showing sympathy towards Naxals and Terrorists again and again. You know those who are poor can go to school and become rich. In my college the poor students are the ones who shout, dance throw rockets in functions etc.. Instead of doing that they can study too.. Its their life choice.. Why do you think the poor don’t get respect?
Very interesting piece.
If there is no institutionalized discrimination, social mobility is possible for everyone and comes primarily via education. As a child of two teachers who work in government schools, I know the gravity of the problem facing our country.
Most Indian children do not get quality education, and are severely side-tracked by issues such as poverty, disease and child-marriage. Most children (especially girl childs) drop out of school very early.
We Indians should collectively pose ourselves a question : How much of talent is going down the drain because of all these drop-outs ? How many Indians are not able to achieve their dreams and bring laurels to their country ? What is the opportunity cost to us as a nation ? It is enormous.
It is not about violent revolutions or naxalites. I don’t very much agree with your fears on these issues. But it is more about the utter loss of our potential as a nation.
When we go abroad, we see that normal people have a life chalked out : everyone has an opportunity, nobody is left behind. And these people are not any more intelligent than us Indians.
All the guys who work as software-engineers or doctors, and those who go for studies abroad : we should pose ourselves a question. Are we that much more brilliant than kids dropping out of government schools, due to poverty or lack of options ? Why is it that we can make it, but a thousand other countrymen cannot.
next is the best actress of bollywood,miss gul panag
Good to see celebrities are blogging!!!!!
i feel Public Figures are doing the right thing by taking the help cyber-media.
i must say WE ARE Awakening.
One ought to read Red Sun by Sudeep Chakravarti… an eyeopener on how bad things really are across the country thanks to deprivation and exclusion.
Hi Gul,
In your post you have spoken nothing but the truth. A well thought out post. The foremost problem with our country is that we lay emphasis on all that’s not important in the the grand scheme of things. Like you said, most of the time, our concern is the sometimes bull and other times bear economy. I think the first step towards healing our country is eradicating poverty and striving for a 100% education and not just literacy. This I say, because it’s education that can transform people and their thinking. Further, only service- oriented people should hold honorable posts.
Make Education compulsory for every individual (By education i mean moral aswell, The rule should be Unless you have a 10th passed certificate you wont be able to get a job anywhere or any kind of loans from banks * Especially for politicans they should be atleast a graduate)
–> This will lead to more smart people or we can call as morally educated people who understand what’s right and what’s wrong not for themselves but for the society aswell
—> This will help in having less of corruption and less of social issues like Unemployment,crisis management , etc etc…
Unless until you make education compulsory people find there own ways not to educated there kids even if they have the resources to and thats a fact.
Well we say vote wisely , but when we know everyone who is up there is inefficient whom to vote?? Finally it doesnt matter whom u vote because they all are the same . Trust me make education compulsary things gone change. If they dont see the importance of education make them want it.
Looks simple on paper but staying in this society isn’t easy either…. 🙂
Lots of love,
Vishal Patel
Gul Panag – “How long before he who sleeps on the footpath begins to wonder why for no fault of his, he is where he is and you are siting on your computer typing away in the comfort of your AC home?”
He sleeps on footpath because his father didn’t had enough IQ to earn money, to send him to school. So, because of his drunk habits, his kid is today on footpath and unemployed.
The other guy is in AC home because his father worked hard to earn money and send him to school. And he is intelligent enough to keep the hard work going to preserve what his father earned for him.
And, someone sitting in AC room(Gul Panag) blames the guy in AC room for the condition the guy sleeping on footpath is in. Thats foolish.
Now, its called “jealousy” and low mentality if dream of footpath guy becoming a Hero by attacking the AC room guy. And, then Gul Panag will declare in court “please pardon the murderer because he is poor. The AC room guy took his money.”
Its rare to find beautiful women with high IQ. Your blog is a testimony to that.
As far as India is concerned, there is only one thing which has screwed India for so long – Communists and communism.
Just an advice for you, find something better to do than vomitting your prejudices here. Its eating your brain(whatever left) from inside. 🙂
Happy twitting.
Foremost problem is overpopulation. Overpopulation is wrecking India. The increases in Indian GDP is negated by increases in population. Indian infrastructure is grossly inadequate. More cars more pollution. With cheap cars like nano, there will be more and more cars on the Indian roads. Land is limited and India is adding population the size of Australia every year. It can go on like this for only so long.
Gul Panag
Dear Vishal,
Thank you for taking time out to post here. Firstly I apologise, for vomiting my prejudices on my own blog. I will try and be less sick in future. I may not succeed as most of my left over brain is busy trying to comprehend your extremely intellectual post..
SO he who sleeps on footpath does so because his dad didn’t think of sending him to school?? And because he has low IQ?? And if he did have high IQ ,where would he send his kid to study? Bombay Scottish? oh sorry the local govt run municipal school. Have you ever been to one? ANd what kind of education would he have got there? Would he be able to rise up and join the ranks of the AC room folks?
So basically everybody who is poor(in India roughly 600million live below the poverty line) is dumb, has low IQ and isalcoholic. I think what you are trying to say (unsuccessfully) is that the vicious cycle of poverty( an economic terminology, not something my left over brain made up) is in action. A person is poor because he is uneducated , because he is uneducated he is unemployed and because he is unemployed he is poor.
I don’t recall talking about pardoning murders, merely looking into the causes of their motivation. I wonder how you will explain the increase in the size of the red corridor? Why the Naxals are gaining in strength? I don’t think what they are doing is correct or justified but they are growing at a very alarming rate because they have support. They have support because there are people whose aspirations are not met. The solution is not communism( which is by the way an idealistic state, what you are referring to is socialism.), but the effective implementation of our existing policies( we have one in place to cover everything from free education to population control to employment generation,etc,etc.) and the rooting out of corruption.
By the way its tweeting. Or was that an intelligent attempt at being witty?